JM Ribeiro da Cunha & Associados awarded Top10+ Setores – Portugal 2020

For the second consecutive year, JM Ribeiro da Cunha & Associados has been recognized by Scoring with the Top10+ Setores certificate, the most selective and comprehensive distinction in the economic and financial domains achievable by an SME in Portugal.
Scoring’s Top10+ Sectors – Portugal 2020 was attributed to companies from each sector with the 10 highest values of Economic Sales Quality (IDS x VN) among the finalists. All information used for the calculations was based on public and official company data (IES). JM Ribeiro da Cunha & Associados stood out in the area of “Management – Consulting, auditing, and management services.”
The Top10+ ranking recognizes companies that are “references in management, trust and future”, being the only one in Portugal supported by scientific opinions from professors with Ph.D. degrees in Management and audited by an accredited independent certification entity approved by IPAC.
To our employees, clients and institutional partners, we express our gratitude for their daily contribution to the recognition of JM Ribeiro da Cunha & Associados as a quality benchmark in our sector of activity.